The historiography of the Norman worlds (17th-21st centuries): construction, influence, evolution
Scientific responsibility : P. Bauduin (Caen IUF, Craham), E. D’Angelo (Napoli, CESN)
The gathering organised at Ariano Irpino will examine in particular the historiographical constructions developed since the 17th century by looking at the place of the "Normans" in the "national story" of each country. It will also evaluate their influence on our knowledge of the history of the Norman worlds. What axioms have influenced the historiographical debates? Beyond their identification and classification, it is also important to understand their genealogy, their implications, their pervasiveness, their rejection and their deconstruction. The colloquium will also look to explore the orientation of a history of the Norman worlds developed from questions that go beyond national boundaries, schools and academic traditions.
Centro Europeo di Studi Normanni d’Ariano Irpino
Centre Michel de Boüard- CRAHAM (UMR 6273)
with support of Institut universitaire de France (IUF)